Aethir Is Empowering the Beamable Gaming Ecosystem
July 18, 2024

Aethir Is Empowering the Beamable Gaming Ecosystem


Cloud gaming is rapidly becoming a vital segment of the gaming industry because it allows players worldwide to enjoy top-notch gaming experiences without owning expensive hardware. More and more gaming studios realize they should shift their operations to the cloud, but only decentralized GPU clouds like Aethir can efficiently power this transition. Aethir is the only enterprise-grade decentralized GPU cloud infrastructure on the market. Now, we are partnering with Beamable, a seasoned gaming veteran running an open, extensible game server platform that lets developers create online games and virtual worlds in minutes. Beamable has 50+ games in their roster, all needing a steady supply of cloud computing resources. Aethirs DePIN stack can power the Beamable ecosystem and support it in onboarding numerous innovative gaming projects in the future, optimized for the Web3 era.

Beamable offers game developers the tools to integrate analytics, social, commerce, inventory, content management, meta-game features, GenAI, Web3 capabilities, and more to any game project. The Beamable gaming ecosystem is making a historical shift of its Live Ops platform to Web3, aiming to provide more efficient, scalable, and cost-effective services for the 50+ games using Beamable's infrastructure. By utilizing Aethir's DePIN stack, Beamable will considerably cut underlying network costs for studios while improving their services and providing gaming clients with the possibility to rapidly scale by onboarding millions of new cloud gamers at the network's edge. 

To reach users at the network's edge, Aethir employs a decentralized network infrastructure with GPU resources distributed across numerous locations globally. All end-users of Aethir's GPU cloud are serviced by the physically closest GPU Container in our 80,000+ strong GPU network. This strategic pairing significantly reduces the time it takes for processing power to travel from the computing source to the end user, thereby minimizing latency and maximizing scalability. 

Aethir's GPU cloud is fully decentralized, with over 91,000 Checker Nodes actively monitoring and ensuring optimal quality of service for each GPU Container in the Aethir network, providing a level of efficiency and scalability that is unmatched in the industry. With our globally decentralized GPU cloud, we can provide the gaming industry with a stable and scalable solution for maximizing growth, which makes pairing our infrastructure with Beamable’s gaming expertise a perfect match.

Traditional clouds concentrate processing power in a small number of large-scale data centers, limiting their ability to reach users at the network's edge. Estimates show that there are 1.2 billion gamers in regions where low-end hardware is dominant. With Aethir's efficient decentralized GPU cloud solution, these gamers only need a stable internet connection to enjoy any of the 50+ games of the Beamable ecosystem. Aethir's solution not only provides a superior gaming experience but also does so in a cost-effective manner, making it a financially secure choice for gaming studios. 

Together, Beamable and Aethir can offer gaming studios an end-to-end solution for decentralized, cloud-based game development, operations, and distribution. Essentially, it's a one-stop-shop for gaming studios to facilitate everything from development to product launch and instant play, cloud gaming experiences. Beamable aims to provide developers with the most efficient way to build, manage, and scale games. With Aethir's support, Beamable's infrastructure is ready for the Web3 era and capable of tremendous scalability worldwide.

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