Unveiling the Aethir Zealy Quest
October 10, 2023

Unveiling the Aethir Zealy Quest


We are excited to announce the revamped official Aethir Zealy Campaign is live! We will be giving away $1,200 and this is a way to reward our community and supporters, and we urge everyone to join and participate (Reward chart posted at the bottom of page).

What is Aethir?

Aethir offers The Decentralized Cloud Infrastructure (DCI) framework that frees the AI and gaming industries macro trajectory. As a pioneer Aethir builds scalable DCI helping gaming and AI companies - big or small - put their product directly in the hands of consumers, regardless of where they live or the hardware they own. Aethir’s goal is to help solve the market fragmentation in a way only the decentralized cloud can.

Aethir Airdrop Campaign: Aethir on Zealy

Aethir airdrop is a comprehensive rewards and recognition program within the Aethir community. It is designed to acknowledge and incentivize you for your achievements, contributions, and overall participation in our ecosystem.

How to be part of it?

Simply visit our questboard and start doing tasks to win XP and level up. The Aethir Sprint will run for one month from October 9th - November 13th.

How to acquire rewards in Zealy?

Accept the invite link posted in the Discord announcements or here on Aethir Zealy Questboard

If you do not already have a Zealy account, simply sign up to save your progress as you participate in the Aethir Airdrop campaign. When you sign up, you may connect your Discord or metamask account to the site. Zealy offers a tutorial on how to navigate that is optional to watch. To complete the first quest or any quests, you MUST connect your Discord, Twitter, and email accounts. To do this, go to your settings and click on “Linked Accounts” (see pic below).

(Please note**: One Zealy account can only be connected to one Discord, Twitter, and Email simultaneously. For example, you cannot use the same email address for two or more Zealy accounts).

As you continue to complete the quests, you will acquire experience points, level up, and notice that some are simple while others require more time. In addition, a few quests require you to be a certain level to complete (see pic below)

For a tip, check the leaderboard daily to see your ranking. The goal is to place in the top 10 or even number one. The purpose of this campaign is to help spread awareness of Aethir and our Decentralized Cloud infrastructure while rewarding those who assist in the endeavor. Good luck, and have fun in our Zealy airdrop campaign.

Note: Aethir reserves the right to ban anyone caught cheating or illegally gaming the quests.

Also, if you have any issues or questions, contact us on Discord by creating a ticket or tagging any of our community managers.

Reward chart math breakdown:

Rank 1 = $100 one-time reward at the end of the event (USDC)

Rank 2 - 12 = $300 (USDC) divided by 10 users = $30/user one-time reward at the end of the event

Rank 13 - 53 = $800 (USDC) / by 40 users = $20/user one-time reward at the end of the event

Photo by Don Agnello on Unsplash

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