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Aethir Checker Nodes Launch: Start Earning Rewards

Aethir Checker Nodes are live. Discover how to start earning Checker Node rewards.

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The long-awaited Aethir Mainnet launch is finally here. From 12 June, Aethir Checker Node holders can set up and launch their Checker Nodes on Aethir's Mainnet. By doing so, our node holders will start earning 15% of the total ATH supply during the next four years. 

We've distributed over 75,000 Checker Node licenses to more than 22,000 community members, achieving unprecedented decentralization of Aethir's cloud infrastructure. Our Checker Node network is now fully community-owned. Checker Nodes are a vital component of the Aethir DePIN stack. They are responsible for ensuring optimal quality of service for all of our enterprise clients in the AI and gaming industries.

Active Checker Nodes will receive a 10% Checker Node operator reward, while an additional 5% of the ATH supply is reserved for bonus rewards. Aethir will conduct regular, quarterly evaluations of all Checker Nodes to determine which ones are eligible for the 5% bonus based on criteria such as exceptional uptime and no early reward withdrawals.

Grace Period for Earning Checker Node Rewards

Node holders are in for a nice surprise! As an exclusive bonus reward, all Checker Nodes will receive full ATH rewards between 12 June and 27 June during the onboarding phase of the Aethir Checker Node network, regardless of their total uptime. This is our way of saying thank you to Checker Node holders, our early adopters, who showed tremendous dedication to Aethir's vision by purchasing Checker Node licenses.

Checker Node license holders don’t need to lift a finger to start earning rewards on 12 June. All nodes will receive maximum rewards until 27 June, even if they are offline the whole time. However, we encourage our Checker Node holders to delegate their Checker NFTs to a Checker Client, our dedicated Checker Node operator software, and try the node operator experience for themselves on their computers.

Powering Up Checker Nodes

Checker Node license delegation is done through the Checker Owner Portal on Aethir's website. The portal allows node holders to easily delegate their licenses to their desired node operators, who are running Checker Clients on their devices. Users need to log into the Checker Owner portal with their node holder crypto wallets, and they'll instantly gain access to the Checker Owner Dashboard. All Checker Node critical operations, including license delegation, reward monitoring, and reward withdrawals, are done on the Checker Owner Dashboard.

Checker Node holders can either run the Checker Client on their own devices on Windows and Linux operating systems or delegate their NFTs to a third-party operator, such as a Nodes-as-a-Service (NaaS) provider.

Since all nodes will receive equal rewards during the onboarding phase between 12 June and 27 June, regardless of their uptime, we encourage Aethir Checker Node holders to try the Checker Client on their own devices during this period. Afterward, users can continue operating their Checker Nodes with a Checker Client on their own computers or delegate their licenses to a NaaS provider if they find it more convenient. However, Checker Node holders must keep their Checker Clients operational 24/7 to continue receiving maximum rewards after 27 June.

During the 15-day onboarding grace period, Checker Node holders can try operating their nodes with the Aethir Checker Client without missing out on potential rewards if their devices aren't running 24/7. 

Aethir Checker Node holders can find all the key information on setting up and running their Checker Nodes here.

Additionally, once the Aethir Checker Node network goes live, users will also be able to immediately stake their Checker rewards through the Aethir Checker Owner Portal and start earning staking rewards.

By launching Aethir's Mainnet, we're officially entering the next phase of Aethir's DePIN journey. We're enabling Aethir Checker Node holders to start contributing to Aethir's daily operations and earn Checker rewards for their work.

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