Aethir's June 2024 Recap
July 1, 2024

Aethir's June 2024 Recap


June was the most important month in Aethir's history so far, with the epic launch of ATH, the Aethir DePIN stack's core element, accompanied by exciting benefits for our community members and groundbreaking partnerships. We've launched the Aethir Mainnet, our ATH utility token, and the Aethir staking service. With Aethir, innovations, and community perks never stop coming.

Let's look closely at Aethir's key milestones from June 2024.

ATH Launch and Aethir Cloud Drop Rewards Distribution

On 12 June 2024, Aethir launched ATH, our utility token. ATH plays a critical role in the Aethir DePIN stack, enabling our community to earn Checker Node rewards, Aethir Edge computing rewards, staking rewards, and more. ATH is also the cornerstone of Aethir's decentralized governance model, and carries various additional ecosystem benefits for the community. In less than one month since its launch, ATH has already been listed on over 15 cryptocurrency exchanges, thus providing users with easy market access to ATH. Our Checker Node operators will earn 15% of the ATH supply during the next four years, while Aethir Edge operators will receive 23% of the total ATH supply. 

The launch of ATH coincided with the distribution of Aethir Cloud Drop rewards, which eligible participants can claim here. As a reminder, Aethir Cloud Drop is the first season of the Aethir Airdrop, with two additional upcoming seasons. A total of 6% of the ATH supply is reserved for airdrop rewards. This round of the Aethir Airdop saw 1.5% of ATH allocations to various communities, including our loyal Aethirians and node holders. Another 4.5% is reserved for the two remaining airdrop seasons.

Aethir Mainnet Launch: Checker Nodes are Online

Along with the launch of ATH, we've also launched our Mainnet, thus enabling Aethir Checker Node holders to set up and run their Checker Nodes. As a unique benefit for node holders, we've introduced an onboarding period that lasted from 12 June to 27 June, during which all Checker Nodes earned maximum daily rewards, regardless of whether they were operational or not. During this period we gave our node holders time to get acquainted with the node running mechanics and decide whether they want to run their nodes by themselves or delegate them to a Nodes-as-a-Service (NaaS) provider after 27 June. 

We've secured numerous NaaS providers as official Aethir partners for our node holders to provide users with a simple, streamlined node operating system. The complete list of our official NaaS partners is available in the Checker Owner Portal's Operators section.

We have distributed over 91,000 Checker Node licenses to more than 22,000 community members. Now, our community can power up their nodes and start contributing to the everyday operations and stability of Aethir's decentralized GPU Cloud for 15% of the ATH token supply as Checker rewards.

Aethir Staking: Supercharged Staking Service

Aethir Staking is another innovative feature we've launched simultaneously with the Aethir Mainnet and ATH. The best thing users can do after claiming their ATH airdrops or buying ATH on a crypto exchange is to stake their ATH. Our staking platform brings much more than ATH staking rewards. Users have two staking pools at their disposal for AI and gaming. By depositing ATH in these pools, users will also earn rewards in the native tokens of our respective AI and gaming partners, who contributed a portion of their tokens to Aethir's staking pools.

Users can choose between various staking options and lock up their ATH deposits for 10 days to up to four years. The longer the lock-up period, the higher the rewards. Also, users can always add additional ATH deposits and extend their lock-up period for even more rewards. However, that isn't all because users get veATH and stATH in return when they stake ATH. While veATH is a non-transferable token used to monitor staking rewards, stATH is our liquid staking token, which users will soon be able to utilize on Aethir’s ecosystem partner platforms to earn additional rewards. 

Ecosystem Partnerships and Airdrops for Aethir Checker Node Holders

When we announced in late May that six Aethir ecosystem partners were airdropping their native tokens to our Checker Node holders, we said it was only the start of exclusive benefits for our community. Staying true to our words, we've announced six new ecosystem partner airdrops in round 2 of what has now become the Aethir EcoDrop. In this round of exclusive benefits, we've announced that Checker Node holders will receive airdrops from Cookie3, Hybrid, Moemate, PlayFi, and ZKCandy, while Deverse World will go a step further and also contribute to the Aethir staking pools besides airdropping their tokens to our community.

Throughout June, we've continued building the Aethir ecosystem by engaging in various partnerships and collaborations that will impact the AI, gaming, and DePIN sectors.

We've announced the launch of Aethir's DePIN ecosystem on Sophon's ZK Chain and our massive node swap. Aethir will run 40,000 Sophon Nodes, while Sophon will reciprocate by running around 16,000 Aethir Checker Nodes.

Aethir welcomes Sequence, MetaGravity, Xsolla, PlanetQuest, Play AI, Grow Studio, GameGPT, and NeuraNode, into our fast-growing ecosystem as partners from the gaming sector, who will leverage our decentralized GPU cloud infrastructure to introduce next-level gaming experiences to players worldwide. 

In the AI sector, we've joined forces with TensorOpera, a machine learning powerhouse, to help push the boundaries of LLM training and AI inference with our network of 3000+ NVIDIA H100 GPUs.

We’ve also established an exciting new partnership with Minima, the only decentralized Layer 1 DePIN blockchain on the market. 

Our collaborations with Centrl, a university launchpad, and Aimedis, a healthcare Metaverse platform that leverages AI are some fresh testaments of the Aethir DePIN stack's versatility. We've also partnered with  Multisynq, an exciting project from the DePIN landscape.

To make bridging Aethir Checker Node and Aethir Edge rewards from the Arbitrum network to the Ethereum mainnet version of ATH, we’ve decided to utilize Axelar’s Interchain Token Service (ITS).

Aethir's New Look

The Aethir Mainnet, ATH, and staking service launch mark a new era of Aethir's journey to revolutionize the DePIN sector with our massive decentralized GPU cloud. That's why we decided to refresh our look and introduce a new color scheme focused on vibrant green colors, along with our new website. 

The vibrant green color is closely tied to our sense of energy, growth, and innovation. Green is associated with nature, suggesting sustainability and renewal, which aligns perfectly with Aethir's commitment to ethical practices and the democratization of resources. With our new colors, we are ready for the next stage of Aethir's evolution.

Second Round of Aethir Edge Sales

On 6 June, we successfully closed the second round of the Aethir Edge public sale. We sold another 6000 Aethir Edge devices to buyers from across the globe, bringing the total number of Aethir Edge devices sold to 7000. On 2 July, we'll have our third public sale round with another batch of Aethir Edge devices up for sale, so sign up now if you haven’t already.

The Aethir Edge is our flagship consumer-grade cloud computing device powered by the lightning-fast Qualcomm® SnapdragonTM 865 chipset, along with 12GB of LPDDR5 memory to process data-intensive workloads, a 1000M GE LAN network port, and WIFI6 2T2R + BT5.2 connectivity. With Aethir Edge, we are democratizing access to highly scalable cloud computing devices that allow anyone to become a service provider in Aethir's DePIN stack by running an Aethir Edge device. These devices are built to tackle advanced AI and cloud gaming workloads by providing computing power to our clients worldwide. Aethir Edge operators stand to earn 23% of the ATH supply during the next four years for their role in the Aethir network as GPU Containers.

June 2024 was the most eventful month in Aethir's journey thus far, but the future holds many more exciting milestones and plans for our community and the Web3 industry.

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